
Fostering saves lives, not just the life of the animal being fostered, but also the life of the animal that is now able to enter a shelter in its place. Without fosters, our animals may be at risk of being euthanized or are left to wait for their forever homes in stressful shelters or other poor situations. This further exacerbates their anxiety or depression, and does nothing to prepare them for home with a family.   

Foster families are often needed to remove a dog or cat from a shelter when they are not doing well in that environment, or if they need medical attention and care that would be best received in a loving home rather than a kennel.

Fostering allows us to further assess an animal’s needs as the foster can provide updates on likes, dislikes, behaviors and the resilient personalities so many of furfriends begin to show once they decompress from the stress they have endured. Foster’s also get first choice if they decide to become our favorite — ”foster fails” and turn into adopters instead!



Foster Agreement

Thank you for your interest in becoming a dedicated foster! This is a very important part of an animal’s adoption journey that allows them to recuperate from the shelter environment and showcase their adoptability in a comfortable and loving temporary home. Please be sure to read our Foster Agreement prior to filling out the foster application.